Batesville Funeral Home Websites Under Attack!

Back in June 2023, I published an article on Batesville funeral home websites. I had clearly noted the duplicative images and content violations of Batesvilles common practices of publishing content and where it violates Google’s Guidelines. Looking again today, it has become even more clear that either Batesville does not understand Google, they simply do not have quality control in place to protect their funeral home websites, or they have been hacked… All of which is common when there is little or no quality control. 

About The Author

Our team consists of one of the most advanced marketing experts in the death care industry, Tom Bates, CSE. He has developed an amazing team of developers, programmers, content creatives and with more than 20 years in the death-care and marketing industry, there is no other. Your funeral home marketing could not be in better hands.

Batesville Website Article from June 2023 

“To say Batesville is building YOU or other funeral homes a free website, is simply not correct. Batesville develops technology for them to SHARE “for a fee” websites that Batesville owns and is a SAAS (system as a service). The funeral homes own nothing except the obituaries data. Yes, you pay Batesville to RENT SPACE on their platform and you own nothing.” It has become clear to me that the value adds in the behemoth that is Batesville has huge exposure to many. DO BETTER BATESVILLE.

Let Us Dive right into Batesville Funeral Home Websites 

As discussed in my earlier post from this morning, there are many large technology firms getting purchased by just a few private equity ventures, who, in my opinion do not perform nor produce based on the Funeral Homes Best interest with quality or compliance.  

Follow along this will get interesting: do the following in your Google Browser, but ADVANCED WARNING (DO NOT CLICK THE SEARCH RESULTS LINKS THEY ARE TOXIC 

1. search google for “YOUR BATESVILLE FUNERAL HOME NAME”  


2. look for your listing, find OUR STAFF 

3 If you find About Skylark Once you request the services of our Funeral YOU MAY HAVE BEEN HACKED.  

4. I found the attached search results on Google where this ” EXACT” text is found on several other Batesville websites.  

5. You will find several other examples of funeral homes as well as yours, that when you click their link, it will redirect to a much different result in the Netherlands, or .de in Germany. AGAIN, WARNING THESE ARE TOXIC LINKS. 

It seems to be that some, NOT ALL websites with Batesville have been compromised/scraped and or hacked.  

I strongly suggest that if your website accepts payments or personal HIPPA related information, you stop allowing this till this is resolved. 

Batesville Funeral Home Websites: SAAS Requirements 

I am not in one of these SAAS website agreements with Batesville, and do not know the language of the terms, but I do know the language of Google best practices and am fully aware of the latest Google CORE UPDATE. One would think that if you are building a website to promote a business you would have the DUTY to perform. Perform under the rules where you are promoting the website. In my post from June 2023, Batesville is clearly using redundant, duplicate content that at some point SOON is going to impact those funeral home owners they claim to support.  

Funeral Home Software By Batesville: 

Their software may be an amazing resource to support operations of your FH, but their websites need to bring you at least an additional 20% in your overall new business (or more).  

My team is on standby to help support and audit your website to either repair it, protect it or, if needed, take over. We have been in the Funeral Home Marketing niche for nearly 20 years and will stop at nothing to protect your business brand, market share and partner with JUST YOU in your area. 

Fill out this form for your free Batesville Funeral Home Website Audit 

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